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source is here https://01.org/blogs/tingjie/2020/research-performance-tuning-hdd-based-ceph-cluster-using-open-cas PREFACE Ceph* is a widely used distributed-storage solution. The performance of Ceph varies greatly in different configuration environments. Many clusters in production environments are deployed on hard disks. For various types of workloads, performance requirements are also different. We built a Ceph cluster based on the Open-CAS caching framework. We made … Číst dál
https://3dfactory.cz/2018/06/12/jak-vypalit-zavadec-anet/ https://3dfactory.cz/2018/02/19/kalibrace-3d-tiskarny/ https://3dfactory.cz/2018/02/26/kalibrace-extruderu/
https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/high-cpu-load-for-windows-10-guests-when-idle.44531/ if somebody can test with editing /usr/share/perl5/PVE/QemuServer.pm if ($winversion >= 7) { push @$cpuFlags , ‚hv_relaxed‘; } to if ($winversion >= 7) { push @$cpuFlags , ‚hv_relaxed‘; push @$cpuFlags , ‚hv_synic‘; push @$cpuFlags , ‚hv_stimer‘; } then systemctl reload pvedaemon and stop/start the vm, to see if it’s reduce cpu.
Jak nastavit naší sít SSPUPrivate ve škole a na Window X. Změna po update windows způsobila nekontrolování Root certifikatů a je nutné toto nastavit v konfiguraci. Viz. přiložené video. nastavení najdete v Ovládacích panelech- položka síť. Pokud jste již měli nastavení SSPUPrivate je nutné toto nastavení smazat ve známích sítích WPA2-enterprices-LetsEncrypt
https://github.com/LarsBergqvist/Home-Assistant_configuration pridani iframe ….
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https://github.com/kersing/LoRaWAN-Tracker-workshop https://github.com/kersing/ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0 Getting Home Assistant, Mosquitto MQTT, and CloudMQTT To Work Together Using an MQTT Bridge https://home-assistant.io/blog/2017/11/10/ttn-with-mqtt/
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