Zimbra ActiveSync

  The easy way to install Z-Push (support for ActiveSync) on Zimbra 8. It does not require additional servers. The installation happens on the Zimbra server where the Proxy is installed. Since the Zimbra Proxy is nginx, we will use php-fpm to provide a nice way of separating the Z-Push components from the main Zimbra … Číst dál

Unbrick Linksys e2600 and upload new firmware

Download firmware from https://advancedtomato.com/downloads/router/e2500v3 add connnector on board near blue WPS button and connect RX,TX and GND to TTL Serial usb minicom connect to /dev/ttyUSB0, 115200,  Ctrl+C Work upload by TFTP client, but need classificate what parttion you update https://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=895421#895421 flash -ctheader : flash1.trx # after this command run tftp # tftp -m binary -c put [firmware] … Číst dál

CLI import CSV into suiteCRM

convert from windows-1250 to UTF8 iconv -f WINDOWS-1250 -t UTF-8 customer.csv > customer.u.csv inspired by this web http://www.jsmackin.co.uk/suitecrm/large-imports-in-suitecrm/ LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/customer.u.csv' INTO TABLE contacts FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (id,description,department,first_name,last_name,primary_address_street,primary_address_city,primary_address_postalcode,phone_home,phone_work,phone_other,phone_fax,phone_mobile,description,alt_address_street,alt_address_street,salutation,alt_address_street,title,primary_address_country,primary_address_state); REBUILD INDEX DB ALTER TABLE contacts DROP KEY idx_cont_last_first; ALTER TABLE contacts DROP KEY idx_contacts_del_last; ALTER TABLE contacts … Číst dál

upgrade openwrt and build own image zabbix

download OpenWrt-ImageBuilder untar and jump into directory make image PROFILE=TLWA901 PACKAGES="-wpad-mini wpad luci zabbix-extra-mac80211 zabbix-extra-network zabbix-extra-wifi" copy image into old running AP scp ./bin/ar71xx/openwrt-15.05.1-ar71xx-generic-tl-wa901nd-v2-squashfs-fact ory.bin root@ ssh into AP ssh root@[ip] cd /tmp sysupgrade -b backup.tar.gz # backup old config sysupgrade -f ./backup.tar.gz ./openwrt-15.05.1-ar71xx -generic-tl-wa901nd-v2-squashfs-factory.bin # install new image and restore old config configure zabbix echo … Číst dál

domoticz espeasy mqtt

Pro nastaveni promenne Dummy musime nejdrive vytvorit Rules on dumb1 do TaskValueSet 6,2,%eventvalue% if [tempsensor#Temperature]<[dumb#temp] do mcpgpio,5,0 else mcpgpio,5,1 endon vysvetleni TaskValueSet TaskValueSet [TaskID],[VariableIDX],[Hodnota]   nepodarilo se me poslat event pres mqtt a domoticz z duvodu json formatu, ale ukazka jak toto volat pres http http://[ipaddressesp]/control?cmd=event,dumb1=10

Samba Ubuntu 16.04 + – share adresáře

apt-get install samba mcedit /etc/samba/smb.conf [accounting] comment = BlaBla # Komentar writable = yes # Povoleni zapisu force group = users # vynuceni skupiny o vytvareni souboru nebo adresare valid users = @users # overeni uzivatele v tomto pripade musi uzivatel byt ve skupine path = /data # cesta ke sdilenemu adresari create mode = … Číst dál

flask-skeleton příprava virtual enviromentu v terminálu

sudo apt-get install virtualenvsudo apt-get install libpython-devsudo apt-get install build-essentialmkdir it3sitcd it3sitgit clone https://github.com/petrgru/flask-skeleton-novy.gitcd flask-skeleton-novy### v requirements.txt je zakomentovany konektor na postgressDB radek psycopg2==2.5.2virtualenv ../.venv. ../.venv/bin/activate pip install -r ./requirements.txt #nasledne vytvorit DBpython manage.py db upgrade a spustit server python manage.py runserver pripadne aktualizovat DB model pokud chcete vytvorit novou databazi musite smazat rm migrations/versions/*rm … Číst dál