slovnicek AJ
pretend seem hate can´t face – nemoci čelit suggest avoid
pretend seem hate can´t face – nemoci čelit suggest avoid
Tak daleko padaly větve
convert from windows-1250 to UTF8 iconv -f WINDOWS-1250 -t UTF-8 customer.csv > customer.u.csv inspired by this web LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/customer.u.csv' INTO TABLE contacts FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (id,description,department,first_name,last_name,primary_address_street,primary_address_city,primary_address_postalcode,phone_home,phone_work,phone_other,phone_fax,phone_mobile,description,alt_address_street,alt_address_street,salutation,alt_address_street,title,primary_address_country,primary_address_state); REBUILD INDEX DB ALTER TABLE contacts DROP KEY idx_cont_last_first; ALTER TABLE contacts DROP KEY idx_contacts_del_last; ALTER TABLE contacts … Číst dál
download OpenWrt-ImageBuilder untar and jump into directory make image PROFILE=TLWA901 PACKAGES="-wpad-mini wpad luci zabbix-extra-mac80211 zabbix-extra-network zabbix-extra-wifi" copy image into old running AP scp ./bin/ar71xx/openwrt-15.05.1-ar71xx-generic-tl-wa901nd-v2-squashfs-fact ory.bin root@ ssh into AP ssh root@[ip] cd /tmp sysupgrade -b backup.tar.gz # backup old config sysupgrade -f ./backup.tar.gz ./openwrt-15.05.1-ar71xx -generic-tl-wa901nd-v2-squashfs-factory.bin # install new image and restore old config configure zabbix echo … Číst dál
Pro nastaveni promenne Dummy musime nejdrive vytvorit Rules on dumb1 do TaskValueSet 6,2,%eventvalue% if [tempsensor#Temperature]<[dumb#temp] do mcpgpio,5,0 else mcpgpio,5,1 endon vysvetleni TaskValueSet TaskValueSet [TaskID],[VariableIDX],[Hodnota] nepodarilo se me poslat event pres mqtt a domoticz z duvodu json formatu, ale ukazka jak toto volat pres http http://[ipaddressesp]/control?cmd=event,dumb1=10
apt-get install samba mcedit /etc/samba/smb.conf [accounting] comment = BlaBla # Komentar writable = yes # Povoleni zapisu force group = users # vynuceni skupiny o vytvareni souboru nebo adresare valid users = @users # overeni uzivatele v tomto pripade musi uzivatel byt ve skupine path = /data # cesta ke sdilenemu adresari create mode = … Číst dál
boot load default setting printenv baudrate=115200 bootargs=rootfstype=ramfs init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend eaa bootcmd=run storeboot bootdelay=1 bootmode_check=get_rebootmode; echo reboot_mode=${reboot_mode};if test ${reboot; bootup_offset=0x115c0f0 bootup_size=0x3f4c8 cmdline_keys=if keyman init 0x1234; then if keyman read usid ${loadaddr} str; t; cvbsmode=576cvbs display_bpp=24 display_color_bg=0 display_color_fg=0xffff display_color_index=24 display_height=576 display_layer=osd1 display_width=720 dtb_mem_addr=0x1000000 ethact=Meson_Ethernet ethaddr=00:15:18:01:81:31 factory_reset_poweroff_protect=echo wipe_data=${wipe_data}; echo wipe_cache=${w fb_addr=0x3f800000 fb_height=1080 fb_width=1920 fdt_high=0x20000000 firstboot=1 gatewayip= hdmimode=1080p60hz … Číst dál
!!switch interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/2 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1 switchport mode trunk !! router int g0/0 no sh ! int g0/0.1 encapsulation dot1Q 10 ip add ! int g0/0.2 encapsulation dot1Q 20 ip add