Hi Steven!
Will try give details of my steps.
– central server „Rain“ (DHCP) connected to 12 subnets (192.168.10.x – 192.168.120.x);
– server „Drbl“ (Clonezilla) connected to same subnets;
– from 3 to 25 computers in each subnet;
==Part of dhcpd.conf from Rain===
server-identifier rain.ctd.loc;
option domain-name „ctd.loc“;
option domain-name-servers ns.ctd.loc;
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers;
option netbios-name-servers;
host pc10-1 {
hardware ethernet 00:aa:aa:aa:aa:03;
host pc10-2 {
hardware ethernet 00:aa:aa:aa:aa:98;
… and so on for all subnets…
host pc12-25 {
hardware ethernet 00:ff:ff:ff:ff:45;
===end of dhcpd.conf===
1) Do steps from 1 to 3a by this: http://drbl.sourceforge.net/one4all ;
2) Copy dhcpd.conf from Rain, parse it with „/opt/drbl/bin/parse_dhcpd_conf“;
3) Collect parsed MAC addresses and put them into /etc/drbl/macadr-eth0.1.txt, macadr-eth0.2.txt, etc;
4) Collect parsed names/IP’s and:
a) put them all to /opt/drbl/conf/client-ip-hostname
b) put them to /etc/drbl/IP-grp-AA, IP-grp-BB, etc by subnets
5) Create „dummy“ interface for „WAN“ purpose (my Drbl has no internet connection);
6) Run „/opt/drbl/sbin/drblpush -i“ and used already collected MAC’s in macadr-eth0.*.txt files;
7) Run „/opt/drbl/sbin/mknic-nbi –udhcpc-port 1068“;
8) Run two dhcpd instances:
a) /usr/sbin/dhcpd -q -pf /var/run/dhcpd67.pid
b) /usr/sbin/dhcpd -q -pf /var/run/dhcpd1067.pid -p 1067
=== Can you suggest a way to modify /etc/init.d/dhcpd script to achieve this? ===
9) Run /opt/drbl/sbin/dcs and start enjoying =)
Now client work as follow:
– power on, PXE ROM in network card (pxeclient) asks DHCP with ip, subnet, filename, next-server options;
– Rain answers with ip and subnet options (pxeclient ignores);
– Drbl answers with ip, subnet, filename, next-server options (pxeclient accepts);
– pxeclient receive menu, then receive linux kernel and vfs file via tftp;
– linux booting in client memory, now it linuxclient 🙂 ;
– linuxclient asks ip, subnet, next-server on 1067 port, wait answer to 1068 port from „drbl“;
– Drbl answers from 1067 to clients 1068 port (linuxclient accepts);
– cloning or deploying;
– w1nd0ws booting and asks for ip and subnet (winclient);
– Rain or Drbl (who faster) answers (winclient accepts).
As result my DRBL server works in current environment.
Please, let me know, if you find „proxy DHCP“ daemon for Linux! Because with it, life would be much easier (there are only one dhcpd.conf with „host“ entries)! =)
Client work WITH PROXY DHCP:
– power on, PXE ROM in network card (pxeclient) asks DHCP with ip, subnet, filename, next-server options;
– Rain answers with ip and subnet options (pxeclient ignores);
– proxyDHCP forwards the same Rain’s answer and add to it filename and next-server options (pxeclient accepts);
– pxeclient receive menu, then receive linux kernel and vfs file via tftp;
– linux booting in client memory, now it linuxclient :-);
– linuxclient asks ip, subnet, next-server on 67/68 port, wait answer from any server (/opt/drbl/sbin/mknic-nbi –check-server-name n);
– proxyDHCP forwards usual Rain’s answer and add to it filename option (linuxclient accepts);
– cloning or deploying;
– w1nd0ws booting and asks for ip and subnet (winclient);
– Rain answers (winclient accepts).
Thank you for cooperate!