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Zdivo a jak na to Vyrobce Cena na m2 HELUZ STI 49 74 16 1184 KMB PROFIBLOK 440 – 44 P+D P-15Mpa 35,94 16 575,04 PORFIX Pískový tvárnice bílá 500*250*250 70,58 8 nutny polystyren 564,64
The easy way to install Z-Push (support for ActiveSync) on Zimbra 8. It does not require additional servers. The installation happens on the Zimbra server where the Proxy is installed. Since the Zimbra Proxy is nginx, we will use php-fpm to provide a nice way of separating the Z-Push components from the main Zimbra … Číst dál
Download firmware from https://advancedtomato.com/downloads/router/e2500v3 add connnector on board near blue WPS button and connect RX,TX and GND to TTL Serial usb minicom connect to /dev/ttyUSB0, 115200, Ctrl+C Work upload by TFTP client, but need classificate what parttion you update https://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=895421#895421 flash -ctheader : flash1.trx # after this command run tftp # tftp -m binary -c put [firmware] … Číst dál
https://github.com/kersing/LoRaWAN-Tracker-workshop https://github.com/kersing/ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0 Getting Home Assistant, Mosquitto MQTT, and CloudMQTT To Work Together Using an MQTT Bridge https://home-assistant.io/blog/2017/11/10/ttn-with-mqtt/
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